
HCG Diet for Women

Are You ready for your dream body?

Why Women Should Follow the HCG Diet Protocol

Women’s bodies undergo many changes through the years. With each passing decade, hormones change, the body’s natural resistance to fat loss increases, responsibilities climb and taking care of your body becomes a lesser priority. 

As a result, stress increases with the push and pull of daily demands which ultimately increases cortisol levels in the body resulting in more overall body fat. Women often get easily discouraged when their body doesn’t respond to traditional dieting, exercise or programs. It becomes easy to give up. 

HCG changes that. Our advanced HCG protocol incorporate the HCG hormone, which stimulates fat mobility and increases fat loss. The changes come quickly which makes it easy for women to remain motivated and focused. 

“Our advanced HCG diet protocol approach is exclusive to HCG Body for Life and is not available anywhere else. It is built upon our aspiration to be the most effective HCG fat loss program on the planet. We are results-oriented in our approach, and work with an elite and select clientele. Ambitious, diligent and respected among our peers, we have a dedication to excellence that stands above all others.” – Colin Watson


 “Strength and dignity are her clothing…” Proverbs 31:25

Our goal is to help you to achieve a fast, safe, and a complete body transformation faster than you ever thought possible.

Our complete revision of the Protocol which makes the entire process faster, safer and healthier, and will produce a complete body transformation in as little as 26 days for those who follow our system to the letter.

We have written two books that contain all the information you’ll need on the science behind how the HCG hormone can assist in decreasing the size of the fat cells within the body.

How Women Get Fit on HCG

Reshaping Your Body

Many HCG coaches and nutritionists will discourage you from exercise while taking HCG. Because the diet caloric count remains low, it’s easy to believe working out isn’t possible. Not with our Advanced HCG protocol.

We have calculated a menu of nutrient-dense foods that complement the HCG hormone’s effort to rid your body of fat. When incorporated with an exercise routine, you begin to tone your muscle, leaving behind a lean, defined frame of strength and confidence while not overexerting your body during the weight loss process.

It is important to maintain focus on the goal of reducing your food intake, but with our Advanced HCG Protocol, you have more fuel for high-intensity exercise or heavy weightlifting.

Initially the design of the hormone the goal is to kick start your body’s metabolism so that it’s able to burn fat at a much higher rate. But, incorporating an exercise regimen is great for my clients. The type of exercise you choose to do will vary on your level of required weight loss, age, sex, medical conditions and of course, available time.

Exercise Examples on HCG

Elliptical training
Jumping Jacks
Stationary Biking
Weight Training

By incorporating a progressive exercise routine into your HCG diet, you build more muscle, igniting your metabolism to burn more fat. Your progress increases and your health condition improves. In the end, you’re left with a lean, toned and strong physique. 

Important Exercising Tips:

  • Use proper form – keep your arms moving freely, abs tight, weight centered, shoulders down and back.
  • Progress forward – Continue pushing yourself by adding a few more minutes into your cardio routine each week, or by increasing the intensity of your workouts overall.
  • Drink up! – Water is very important and key to burning excess body fat, try drinking 3 liters of water or more per day while on the diet.
  • Consider weights – Many women are reluctant to try weight training for fear of “bulking up.” In reality, strong is the new skinny as muscles help support your heart health, cardiovascular system, energy, skeletal structure and more. We promise, you will not look like a man when you do!

How Trans-dermal HGH Can Help:

Trans-dermal HGH is the new approach to muscle recovery, growth, and energy. Clients who have used it claim they sleep better, experience faster muscle recovery, gain more lean muscle and increase their overall energy than on HCG alone. It’s the latest in our Advanced HCG Protocol and highly recommend it for better results.

Our advanced HCG diet protocol approach is exclusive to HCG Body for Life and is (Not Available Anywhere Else) it is built upon our aspiration to be the most effective HCG fat loss program on the planet. We are results-oriented in our approach, and work with an elite and select clientele. Ambitious, diligent and respected among our peers, we have a dedication to excellence that stands above all others.

What Clients Have to Say

I’m really grateful to Collin for bringing up such an effective diet plan that really put you back in shape. It’s very simple and easy to follow and I’m quite enjoying my new appearance.

“I couldn’t believe that I have been able to make the transformation. I must say Collin has been really helpful to me all through. I recommend this diet plan to all.”

“Don’t have words to really explain the excellent benefits of HCG diet plan. Having it for quite some time and the change is awesome! You can try it too!”

Get Coaching!

If you know you are ready to achieve your very best body, and are tired of trying gimmicks that don’t work, or are sick of the long tedious process of dieting, call me. My personalized approach will ensure you get the results you desire with the level of accountability you need to succeed. 

[email protected]


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Are you ready to learn more about our exclusive Advanced HCG protocol?

These tried-and-true methods will help you finally lose weight fast, safely and keep it off for good. If you are wondering if the HCG diet is right for you, you’ve come to the right place!

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