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“My HCG Body for Life experience has been a tumultuous one. At first, I was all hyped and was losing weight but then got discouraged as old habits crept in. However, getting regular emails and messages from Colin encouraged me to get back on track. It has not just helped me lose but helped me change my life. I have learned better eating habits, learned to be more committed to my own health, and can now share this with others.”

– Iris

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“It has not just helped me lose weight, but helped me change my life.”

“After reaching my 40’s and after having three children, I didn’t think I would ever be in shape again. Now, I’m stronger and leaner than I was in high school. Next year, I’m stepping on stage to compete and I couldn’t have done it without Colin’s help!”

– Misty

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“This HCG has been the BEST weight loss product and program I have ever tried, and I have tried EVERYTHING!”

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Kenneth lost 76 pounds in 100 days – down from 327.2 to 251.2. “The Advanced HCG protocol has changed my life. I no longer suffer from sleep apnea. I no longer snore loud enough to vibrate doors (true Story). I no longer wheeze when I breathe. I no longer feel pain in my knees and ankles. I ride my bike with my wife several days a week and I no longer avoid the beach.” It's the best program I have ever tried, and I have tried EVERYTHING!”


Alisha lost 106 pounds in 147 days – down from 333.0 to 227.2.

“Coach Colin's Advanced HCG plan has been a game changer and life saver. Literally! I no longer feel invisible and I lobe where my body is going, 100 more pounds to release.”

More Amazing Body Transformations

I never thought I could go from looking like Shrek to Shredded! Thank you coach Colin
