Colin F Watson

HCG kits ship within 10 days AFTER payment confirmation. Only SemFit HP 5000 brand of HCG ships within 10 days AFTER payment confirmation. All other brands of HCG may take up to 24 BUSINESS days to arrive. . Delivery times are estimated, NOT guaranteed. Tracking numbers are sent via email and text upon shipment.

Ask Me Anything HCG Diet

Every year we have several shows dedicated to answering those questions many of you just can’t seem to find the answers to, or simply want to know my unique HCG Body for Life approach/perspectives to the different phases of the advanced HCG diet protocol.

We “Ask Me Anything HCG” is your opportunity to ask that burning question you’ve just got to get the answer to…

So call in, join the fun, ask the questions, and I do my best to give you my unique perspective…

See you there live on Wednesday March 5th at 6:00PM PST

Chow for now,


The HCG Diet Coach

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