Colin F Watson

HCG kits ship within 10 days AFTER payment confirmation. Only SemFit HP 5000 brand of HCG ships within 10 days AFTER payment confirmation. All other brands of HCG may take up to 24 BUSINESS days to arrive. . Delivery times are estimated, NOT guaranteed. Tracking numbers are sent via email and text upon shipment.

HGH and HCG Body Makeover for Men - Testimonials & HCG diet Success Stories



Why you must refrain from alcohol on the HCG diet.

Why Can’t I Drink Alcohol on The HCG Diet?

When people go on a diet, they often choose the “light” version of their favorite alcoholic beverages in order to save a few calories. However, that is only a small piece of the puzzle. Fat metabolism is reduced by as much as 73% after only two alcoholic beverages. This scary fact shows that the primary…

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