A Diet Plan For Fast Weight Loss

If you are interested in the losing weight fast, or if you have a friend or relative interested in doing a scientifically proven rapid fat loss plan, here’s a few tips on how to implement the advanced HCG diet plan. This post is more for those interested in doing the protocol and need a little…

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The 20-Percenters High Payoff Activities

Today I’m writing about the concept of the 20-percenters and how your connection with this group could take you to the top in almost any profession. The 20-percenters philosophy is based on the well-known Pareto principle in which Vilfredo Pareto observed that 20 percent of Italy’s population controlled 80% of the wealth of the nation. …

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Why you should exercise on the HCG Diet & How to Achieve Results Fast

This post if for the misinformed, who have been misled to believe that exercising on the HCG diet could be a costly mistake. Three reasons why some people believe that Dr. ATW Simeons’ original protocol prohibits exercise, and why they’re dead wrong. In Dr. Simeons’ original manuscript, “Pounds and Inches”, Simeons clearly recommends running, walking, jogging,…

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The Best Food To Eat Before Bed On A Diet

I am sure with most weight loss programs you hear not to eat within 3 hours of going to bed because your body stores all of that food as extra fat right? Wrong. I was told this too before I became a fitness expert and discovered the #1 thing to eat before bed. Honestly I…

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