The 20-Percenters High Payoff Activities
Today I’m writing about the concept of the 20-percenters and how your connection with this group could take you to the top in almost any profession.
The 20-percenters philosophy is based on the well-known Pareto principle in which Vilfredo Pareto observed that 20 percent of Italy’s population controlled 80% of the wealth of the nation. From there, he came up with the concept of unequal distribution, in which he saw that in many of our lives, there was an unequal relationship between input and output.
This stated that there are truly only a few things that cause our success, and if we can do these few things well, it will separate us from the masses. It’s also related to the fact that there was a small group of people in the world who had recognized this fact, and they were the individuals who were the most successful in our society.
So, you may ask yourself, how can I become a 20-percenter?
I came across this Facebook post by an acquaintance of mine that I found hugely profound. I found that it tested my commitment to being among the 20-percenters of our society. You see, you’ll begin to read these affirmations, and then you’ll realize how long this post is. 80% of you will not make it through this entire page. Then you’ll know if you’re ready to be among the 20-percenters, just for today. If not, then come back tomorrow and try again…
I read my Purpose Statement, review my 5 year Bottom Lines, my 30 day Objectives and get my mind in touch with my Higher Power aka (GOD) Yes I Pray. This is also the time I read my Daily Affirmations and program my subconscious and conscious mind. I read them out loud in the morning and I do this again before I retire in the evening.All my actions support my dreams.
All of my actions reflect my intentions.
All of my actions support my goals, bottom lines and life’s objectives.
By taking positive actions, I bring more positive results into my life now.
Each day I do one new thing to improve the quality of my life. (Plan, Promote, Inspire)
Every day I take goal-directed actions. I write them down, I prioritize them in to 80% & 20% tasks.
Every action I take increases my motivation. I like doing 20% high payoff activities.
Every action I take moves me closer to my goal. I like to delegate my 80% low payoff activities.
Every activity I perform is in accordance with the commitment to my goals, my purpose and my wheel of life.
Every day I take positive action towards my goals, objectives and bottom lines.
Every day, without fail, I move closer to my goals, objectives and bottom lines.
Every positive action I take accelerates my progress. This shows up in all six areas of my wheel of life.
Every positive action I take creates fantastic new opportunities for me. We are creative creatures.
Every positive action I take leads to greater and greater success. Teams make Dreams work.
Everything I do supports my desires for the future. I have learned from the past and I am paying attention to my now the present.
Everything I do takes me closer to my dreams. Bigger Teams have Bigger Dreams.
I accept complete responsibility for my actions. I am responsiable for me and what I do next makes the biggest difference.
I accept that I don’t need to know everything in order to become more successful in life. This is why I have exelent friends and relationships.
I act on all inspirations as they are received. My Thoughts and ideas are important and must be acted upon.
I act on every opportunity that qualifies for my time which is my life.
I act in balance in all six areas of my life. Begin with Being, Brain, Body, Time, People and Money.
I act purposefully and make things happen. One person makes the difference. I am that person.
I act right now like the person I dream of becoming. I am the person I would like to meet.
I always know what needs to be done, and get to doing it right away. Time is ticking and I cannot get any of it back.
I always know which actions will return the greatest benefits. They are the 20% high payoff activities.
I always take action when needed. I can get it done.
I am always motivated to take positive action. This defines who I am in my work and life.
I am always moving forward in my life. I can’t make others move, they are responsiable for their lives. I can Ask, Inspire and provide reasons to help others mover their lives forward.
I am always ready to jump into action. Yes, Yes, Yes.
I am committed to putting 100% effort into my goals. This is my life and my dream. I live it daily.
I am completely dedicated to doing everything it takes to reach my highest potential.
I am creating a great future for myself right now. My family, my Team and others become more sucessful by my successes.
I am inspired to take action every day. The passed is that. I am living in the Now. I am living my planed future.
I am now taking positive action towards the results I want.
I am prepared and ready to get to work.
I am productive at all times.
I am ready to do whatever it takes to make my dream a reality. I am not lazy. I ask, seek and knock.
I am successful because I get things done. My work, my plans my relationships.
I can be depended upon to take action when action is needed. Yes, Yes, Yes.
I constantly and passionately take action towards achieving my goals, objectives and bottom lines.
I continually look for ways to accomplish more each day. My Daily Planner helps me accomplish this.
I control my life by the positive actions I take.
I dare to put my mind, emotions and actions to work for what I want in my life.
I demonstrate my commitment through my actions.
I demonstrate my commitment through the actions I take.
I direct all my energy towards positive actions.
I do right now what needs to be done.
I do the difficult, unpleasant tasks first, so that everything else seems fun and easy.
I eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes of the actions I take every day.
I empower my dream by directing all my thoughts and actions towards its manifestation.
I empower myself to action by displaying visual images that support my goals.
I enjoy getting things done!
I ensure that I am always moving towards my dream.
I ensure that I spend time working on each goal every day.
I ensure that I take daily action towards my goals.
I ensure that my thoughts, words and actions are always congruent. I live a balanced life.
I feel totally invigorated by each positive action I take. When I wake up to when I go to bed.
I get things done. Yes I do.
I have written down the actions needed to reach my goals.
I honor all my intentions by acting on them daily.
I keep an ongoing to-do list and work through it daily. My Daily planner helps me with this.
I know exactly what I need to do in order to achieve my goals.
I know exactly what I want to accomplish today.
I know that actions always speak louder than words.
I know that gains are only made by continually moving forward.
I know that it takes action to change one’s life. I like taking action and living in change.
I know that now is the only time to move towards my dreams.
I know that results are but a positive action away.
I know that taking purposeful action is the only way to move forward. I have a Purpose worth failing for. My purpose picks me up when I read it.
I know that the only time for action is the present. I can plan for the future but I act now in my present.
I know that the sooner I get started, the sooner I will see results. I will begin now.
I eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes of the actions I take every day.
I empower my dream by directing all my thoughts and actions towards its manifestation.
I empower myself to action by displaying visual images that support my goals.
I enjoy getting things done!
I ensure that I am always moving towards my dream.
I ensure that I spend time working on each goal every day.
I ensure that I take daily action towards my goals.
I ensure that my thoughts, words and actions are always congruent.
I feel totally invigorated by each positive action I take.
I get things done.
I have written down the actions needed to reach my goals, my bottom lines and my wheel of life.
I honor all my intentions by acting on them daily.
I keep an ongoing to-do list and work through it daily.
I know exactly what I need to do in order to achieve my goals.
I know exactly what I want to accomplish today.
I know that actions always speak louder than words.
I know that gains are only made by continually moving forward.
I know that it takes action to change one’s life.
I know that now is the only time to move towards my dreams.
I know my plans for the future are like the blueprints for my active mind to follow each day.
I know that results are but a positive action away.
I know that taking purposeful action is the only way to move forward.
I know that the only time for action is the present.
I know that the sooner I get started, the sooner I will see results.
I know that the sooner I start, the sooner I can enjoy the results.
I know that the sooner I start a task, the sooner it will be completed.
I know what I have to do every day to take me closer to my goal.
I know what I want and take specific actions to make it happen.
I know what steps are required to achieve my most important goal.
I love getting things done!
I love the feeling of crossing another job off my to-do list.
I make every action an efficient action.
I move forwards at all times.
I only spend energy on empowering actions.
I pledge to take action towards my goals every day.
I relentlessly work towards my dream.
I remain focused in the present, and everything gets done one task at a time.
I see the value of my daily actions because they are an integral part of my plan.
I set lots of productive tasks for myself today.
I take action towards my goals daily.
I take charge of my life by taking positive actions to improve it.
I take determined action towards my goals.
I take positive actions every day to move closer to my dream.
I talk less and do more.
I think less and take action more.
I transform my thoughts into reality by taking positive action.
I turn every intention into action.
I use the power of music to propel me into action.
I work towards my dream at all times.
I write down the steps required to reach my goals, and work towards their completion.
My daily positive actions move me closer and closer to my dream.
My positive thoughts fill my life with positive action.
My thoughts and actions create my reality.
My words and actions are increasingly in agreement.
My words and actions determine who I become.
Now is the perfect time to start moving towards my goals.
Right now, I am doing what is most important to my plans for the future.
Through intelligent action, I now create the circumstances I desire.
Today and every day, I choose to carefully plan my daily activities.
Today, I am taking deliberate action towards accomplishing my goals.
Today I honor my intentions with focused action.
Today I joyfully take one new step toward my heart’s desire.
Today I take one more step forward towards my dream.
When something needs to be done, I act immediately.
When something needs to be done, I do it.
When the impulse is there, I act!
When things need doing, I get down to business.
I attract to my reality like-minded beings who will partner to earn multi- Six, Seven and Eight Figure incomes. I know your thinking is in a much better place now than when you started. Remember to read these out loud so you can hear your voice. Also remember to read in silence before going to bed. This is a habit for success and a 20% high payoff activity.”Wishing you the very best always.”